SuperStream - Fund Search Results

SuperStream - Fund Search Results

SuperStream - Fund Search Results

To accessed this window:

  • Click on the  Payroll  toolbar icon.
  • Click on the  Superannuation Funds  tab.
  • Click on the  Add  button.
In the Add Super Fund window:
  1. Click on one of the Search By: options, i.e. USIABN or Name.
  2. Enter their respective information in the text box.
  3. Click on the Search button.
This will take you to the  Fund Search Results  window:

  • All Matching Products will populate this window.


  • The Australian Business Number (ABN) is an 11 digit, unique number issued to a business (entity), and used to identify that business (entity). i.e. the superannuation fund. 
For Example: 70 815 369 818 is the ABN that identifies the IOOF Portfolio Service Superannuation Fund


  • The Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) is a number used by larger superannuation funds for electronic communication about contributions and rollovers.
  • The Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) is used in SuperStream to identify an APRA fund and/or its superannuation product which an employee (member) is contributing to.
For Example: The IOOF Portfolio Service Superannuation Fund has 23 superannuation products, each with their own USI. e.g. IOF0057AU, IOF0058AU, IOF0059AU, etc

Product Name

  • A super fund may offer numerous super products, for example, a retail superannuation plan and an employer superannuation plan.
  • Each product will have its own USI and its matching Product Name.
For Example: USI: IOF0057AU, Product name: IOOF Portfolio Service Personal Superannuation
  • To select a product, simply click on that product, so it is highlighted blue.
  • Click on the OK button.

Article ID 2003