If you are starting your company from scratch then choose Wizard.
If you have a backup to restore into a new company then choose Fast Add.
To add a New Company via the WIZARD
Step 2. Select Wizard
Click on the Add button.
Choose Wizard.
Click on the OK button.
Step 3. Add Company / Entity Name
Note: That you can click on the Previous button at any time to change something in a previous step
Add the Company / Entity Name and then check that the Start of the Accounting Year is correct.
You can choose a Default Backup Location here or leave this space blank.
Click on the Next button.
Step 4. Enter added information
Enter the contact details of the business.
Under the headings Modules, select the relevant options you will be using, i.e. Debtors, Creditors and / or Trust Accounting.
Click on the Next button.
Step 5. Set up enterprises if needed
Enterprises are like departments within your business operation. For example: Sheep, Cattle, Cropping, Investments.
Unlimited enterprises can be set up to provide additional level of management reporting information.
The enterprise allocation is made at transaction level, providing a very flexible way of obtaining detailed management information.
Click on the Next button.
Step 6. Select the type of Chart of Accounts required.
Select the type of Chart of Accounts required from the list displayed by left clicking on your mouse .
The Chart of Accounts available for selection are templates to save time and get you started.
They can be modified later to suit your particular requirements.
Click on the Next button.
Step 7. Enter Descriptions of Bank Accounts
Enter the descriptions of all bank accounts along with their opening Bank Statement Balances, as at the beginning of the financial year.
The Description should be something that makes it easy to differentiate between each bank account.
Make sure your main account is listed first, as this will be your default bank account.
Also include any Outstanding Cheques or Deposits by clicking on the + button. These are cheques issued by your business to a customer or third party or money received, that has not presented to the bank by the last bank statement.
Enter all Outstanding Cheques and Deposits, then click on the Return to Bank Accounts button.
Back on the Bank Accounts display, the outstanding cheques / deposits value will appear.
Click Next to continue.
Step 8. Click on the Next button
Step 9. Configure GST
Some of these fields will already be filled out.
Step 10. Add and Delete accounts
Adding and deleting accounts from the Chart of Accounts is optional. You may discard accounts that you will not use and add any that you would like.
Click on the Next button.
Step 11. Changing items in Trading Accounts
You may change anything in the Trading Accounts and Opening Assets and Liabilities, or just click on the Next button.
Step 12. Click on the Finish / Exit button
To add a New Company Via FASTADD
Step 2. Select Fast Add
Click on the Add button.
Choose Fast Add.
Click on the OK button.
Step 3. Choose Chart Type
Choose a chart type then click on the OK button.
Step 4. Type in a Company Name
Type in a Company name and then Click the OK button.
You can choose a default backup location here or leave this space blank.