Add Supplier or Customer Details
Cashbook Connect Standard
Adding a new supplier or customer, or setting up bank statement links for an existing supplier / customer
Step 1. Click on the Setup > Suppliers and Customers menu option
The entry screen is divided into the following tab sections:
Basic Details
Contact Details
EFT Details
Step 2. Basic Details
Select the Type as 'Customer (Receipts)' or 'Supplier (Payments)'.
Select Print Cheque if using pre-printed cheque stationery for this supplier.
Select Unregistered Supplier (no GST) for a supplier that is not registered for GST.
Select Exclude from debtors / creditors if this name is not required in the debtors / creditors system, i.e. it is only used in cashbook transaction entries.
Default as Internal Transactions - only used where multi-company installations of Cashbook do inter-company sales and purchases. Tick this box if you are doing such transactions and by default, if using this customer / supplier, you want those transactions marked as Internal.
Enter the Name of the supplier or customer.
Enter the ABN.
Enter transaction defaults as required:
whether you want each transaction for this customer / supplier, by default, to have:
a single dissection - only 1 account is required. This option is the most likely one to use if you are using the PS Data Feed add-on to automatically import bank transactions.
multiple dissections - you will need to define how to construct the dissections.
Default Reference - select from the drop-down list
. (eg. BPAY, D/CREDIT, D/DEBIT, EFT, DEPOSIT). Default Account - select from the drop-down list
. (eg. 328 Bank Fees). Default Enterprise - select from the drop-down list
. (eg. CABD Cattle Breeding). Default Amount - an amount is only entered if it never changes. (eg. Rent payment).
Default Dissection Note - entered if transaction description never changes.
For Example:
Click on the Contact Details tab.
Enter Contact Name, Telephone, Facsimile, Mobile, and Email.
For Example:
Step 4. Addresses
Click on the Addresses tab.
Enter Billing Address.
Click on the Copy Billing Address button if the Delivery Address is the same as the Billing Address (Optional).
Enter Delivery Address (Optional) if it differs from the Billing Address.
Step 5. EFT Details
Enter EFT banking details of supplier or customer, if applicable. This will be used in generating a file of transactions for processing with bank Electronic Funds Transfer software.
Tick the Pay by EFT box if you have appropriate software installed.
Step 6. Schedule
Step 7. Invoicing
Article ID 1033