If the bank feeds are only importing to a previous date it is likely that you have been logged out of your Bank Feeds account. To log back in, go to:
- Setup
- Bank Feeds Setup
In this section, if you only have the 'General' and 'Account Details' tabs, you will need to login using the login button at the bottom.
NOTE: The password is a password separate to other Practical Systems passwords, and is something you created when you set up bank feeds. If you do not know what it is, you can select 'Forgotten Password' and it will email a link to reset/change your Bank Feeds password.
If the other tabs "Banks" and "Authorisation" are present, please contact Practical Systems.
Once you have successfully logged in, your 'Banks' and 'Authorisation' tabs will have returned.
First check in the 'Banks' tab that your bank feeds bank is selected, the BSB and Account number are there and the status is active.
Go back to Transactions > Bank Feed Import and your transactions will be imported.
If you have missed several months of transactions, we recommend doing the bank feed reconciliation one month at a time to avoid errors.
Article ID 4253