Batch Emailing of Customer Invoices.

Batch Emailing of Customer Invoices.

Batch Emailing of Customer Invoices

Automatically email all of the outstanding debtor invoices and/or statements to the respective Customers, simultaneously.
Cashbook Plus now allows you to send your all your customer invoices to their respective customers via a Bulk Email function.

How to email bulk Invoices:

Step 1: Email Setup in Cashbook

  • Click on  Help  >  Email   menu options.
  • Your email address  -  enter your email address .
  • Your email host  -  this is the web or internet hosting service which rents out and operates your email server. Click on the following  PS Knowledge Base link   for the settings for common email providers:   Email parameters for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Bigpond and others .
  • Using the above PS Knowledge Base link fill in the appropriate email settings.  
For Example:

  1. Click on the Send Test Email button.
  2. Enter your Email Address: 
Note: Your test email will be sent to this email address
  1. Click OK to continue.
  • Click  OK  to Confirm message: 'Email Sent'. 
Note:  If you don't get this message, your email setup is not correct. 

Step 2: Send Bulk Emails

  1. Click on the  Debtors toolbar icon.
  2. Click on the  Invoices  tab.
  3. A list of unpaid invoices will display on the screen.
  4. Using your mouse, right click so a green tick appears in the  Batch Print  column next to each customer invoice. 
  • If you would also like to attach a debtors statement to your email make sure the  Include Statement  box is ticked.
  • Click on the  Bulk Email  button.
  • Click  Yes  to the Information message:

  • Your emails should send to all selected recipients with a valid email address.
  • You will receive a  Warning  message if any email addresses are missing or invalid.
  • Click on the  Yes  button and fix before continuing.

Article ID 4212