Cashbook Backup Types
1. Cashbook Connect
A backup file name will default to starting with CBPlus. (but can be changed to a name of your choice, eg. Backup - Aug 2015).
There is no differentiation between a multi-company or individual-company backup icons in Cashbook Connect, as seen below.
For the older BDE version of Cashbook Connect (i.e. before the 2016 version), the file extension ".zip" will be automatically added to the file name by the system to indicate that the backup file is in Winzip format.
For the new ADS version of Cashbook Connect (i.e. version 2016 and onward), the file extension ".cpb" will be automatically added to the file name by the system to indicate that the backup file is in Cashbook Connect Backup format.
2. Cashbook Platinum
An Individual backup file name will default to starting with CBCompany (but can be changed to a name of your choice, eg. Backup - Aug 2015) and the file extension ".zip" will be automatically added to the file name by the system to indicate that the backup file is in Winzip format.
An All Companies and Years (or Multi-Company) backup file name will default to starting with CBDatabase (but can be changed to a name of your choice, eg. All Companies Backup - June 2015) and the file extension ".zip" will be automatically added to the file name by the system to indicate that the backup file is in Winzip format.
Article ID 1261