Chart of Accounts - delete an item.

Chart of Accounts - delete an item.

Chart of Accounts - Delete an Item

Tip: A Chart of Accounts item can not be deleted if it is in use somewhere else. 

Step 1. Select Used Accounts Menu option

To find out where a Chart of Account item is in use,
Click on the Reports > Lists > Used Accounts menu option. 

Step 2. Used Accounts Report

In the Used Accounts Report window:
  1. Click to highlight the account you wish to select. 
  2. Click on the Print button.
The 'Used Account Report' provides a list of all instances where the selected account (chart item) is in use within the current data file - either for the current or previous year.


Step 3. Identify Account in use

  • Identify where the account (chart item) is in use. 
  • To delete the Chart of Account item, you will have to remove it from the area/s where it is currently in use.


Step 4. Delete Chart of Accounts not needed 

Once the Chart of Account item is no longer in use,
  1. Click on the Chart toolbar icon. 
  2. Click on, to highlight the account (chart item) you wish to delete. 
  3. Click on the Delete button. 
  4. Click Yes to the Confirm message: ' Delete account 001 - Agistment Received?'

Article ID 1272