Create/Add Creditor/Recipient Invoice.

Create/Add Creditor/Recipient Invoice.

Create/Add Creditor/Recipient Invoice

Adding a Creditor (Supplier) invoice
A Creditor invoice is also a known as a Recipient Invoice

Step 1. Click on the Creditors toolbar icon

  • Click on the Invoices tab

Step 2. Click on the Add button


Step 3. Enter the Supplier Name (or select from drop down list)

Note: A new supplier can be added to the Suppliers and Customers list by clicking the [+] button on the right of the Supplier box.
  • Enter DateTermsForm (i.e. Tax Invoice), and Ref. (e.g. invoice number), Due Date (if you did not select Terms)
  • Tick either The amounts in the invoice are. GST inclusive or GST Exclusive
  • GST Override options are available if required for any line items in the invoice
  • In the Invoice Details section, enter invoice details - Detail description, AccountEnterpriseQuantityRate
Note: You can enter as many invoice lines as required
  1. Lines may contain description information only, with no price e.g. for a long description on a service type invoice
  2. Use the [+] button at the end of the Detail field to maintain a list of standard invoice items (description and price) to speed up invoicing
  • You can optionally use the Comment to Print field to enter a general description of the invoice. (e.g. contracting)
  • Click on the OK button to save the transaction
Note: To produce a "Recipient Created Invoice", click the Print button to preview the whole invoice and then click the printer icon if required.
For Example:

Article ID 1488