Data Hositng Invitation Acceptance

Data Hosting - Accepting an Invitation.

Data Hosting - Accepting an Invitation

Accepting an invitation to share a company from a Data Hosting User. 

Step 1. Receive Invitation from Cashbook Client

  1. You will receive an email from Cashbook Plus! client (via Practical Systems Data Hosting ) who wants to share his/her company file with you.
  2. Step 2.  Open Cashbook Plus!

    Click on
     SetupData Hosting menu option

Step 3.  Open your Email Program e.g. Outlook

Open the "no reply" Practical Systems Data Hosting email

  • Click on the   Accept Invite   button

Step 4.  Go back to Cashbook

Click Yes  to confirm the  message:

Step 5:  Add Company

  • This will open the  Add Company " Company A"  (or whatever the "name" of the company is.) window
  • Click OK button to download the company data
Downloading data window looks like this:
  • In the  Hosted Companies  tab
  • The Company should now be in listed under  Company Name
  1. Click on the  Close  button
You will now be able to open this company file in your Cashbook Plus!

 Article ID 1705