Sharing Company Files with other Users

Data Hosting - Sharing a Company File.

Sharing Company Files in Data Hosting

Sharing of a company file via Data Hosting allows other users to access your company file/s
Before you start:
  1. Make sure you have activated your Data Hosting account.  
    Click on the following link: 
    Data Hosting - Activate Account.
  2. Make sure the user is a currently supported Cashbook Plus! Client.

Part A - Activating the Account

Step 1: Add a company for sharing,

  • Click on Setup > Data Hosting menu option.
  • Click on the Hosted Companies tab.
  • Click on the Add button.

Step 2.  Select Company (file) to Share 

  1. Select the company you wish to host/share from the list by clicking on the drop-down arrow in the Company box. e.g. Company 1
  2. Click OK to upload data.
You can select specific accounting year/s to share by clicking on the drop down arrow in the Don't sync year/before box. e.g. 2014.

Picking a year from this list will stop Data Hosting from sending and receiving update for any year on or prior to the specified year.
For Example: If you select 2014 from the Don't sync year on/before box, you are only making the Current Year, 2016 and 2015 years available to another hosted user. (see below)

Step 3. Upload Data

  • An Uploading data... window will appear.
It is vital that these green lines ALWAYS complete before you close. 

As a safety precaution, the program will lock if there is any kind of interruption so no data is overwritten by another user at a later date.

Step 4.  Check the data has appeared in the Hosted Companies List

The company will now appear in your Hosted Companies list. 
The list will look different depending on who is viewing the data
  • My Company:
    • Ticked if you are the owner of this hosted company.
    • Unticked if it has been shared with you.
Users: If My Company is ticked, this will show how many users you have shared this company with. Otherwise it will be zero.

Part B: Share your hosted company with another user. (e.g. your accountant.)

The person you share your selected hosted company with, does not have to be registered for Cashbook Plus! Data Hosting yet but they must be a current Practical Systems Cashbook Plus! Client.

Step 1.  Send the Invitation 

To share the File with another user
  1. Go to Setup > Data Hosting menu option.
  2. Click on the Invitations tab.
  3. Click on the Add button.
  4. Select company you wish to share/host from the drop down menu.
  5. Enter email address of the user you wish to invite to share your hosted company file with.
  • Tick User can make changes to this company - this enables the user you are inviting, permission to edit/make changes to your company file.

  • Don't tick User can make changes to this company - this enables the user you are inviting, permission to see the lastest versions of your company file without having the ability to edit them.

Step 2. Email the Invitation

  • Click on the Send button.


Step 3 - View Hosted Company in the Invitations List

  • Tick the Show Accepted/Expired Invitations box, to see the company in the Invitations list:

Click on the link to find out how to Accept the Invitation

Article ID #1702