Debtors / Creditors not Available

Debtors / Creditors not Available

There are two possible reasons why your Debtors and Creditors options are unavailable:

Scenario 1: Incorrect Registration Status

Step 1. Ensure that your program is correctly registered at Level two or above

  • Click on the File > Registration menu option

Step 2. Check the registration status

If it is not level 2 or above:
  1. Enter your Client ID in the designated area
  2. Click on the Register Cashbook button

If the registration status is still not level 2 or above, you will need to contact Practical Systems on 1800 624 688 for an upgrade
  1. Click on the Cancel/Exit button

Scenario 2: Options not activated

The second reason why Debtors and Creditors could be greyed out is that they may not yet be activated

Step 1. Go to the Setup >  Settings menu option

Step 2. Click on the Modules tab

  • Tick the boxes entitled Activate Debtors and Activate Creditors
  • Click on the OK button

Article ID 1574