Debtors / Creditors Sort / Filter Options.

Debtors / Creditors Sort / Filter Options.

Debtors / Creditors Sort / Filter Options

Filtering for a specific customer and supplier information

There is a number of ways you can search for a customer or supplier information
  • Click on either the  Debtors   (for Customers list) or  Creditors   (for Suppliers list) toolbar icon
  • Click on the  Customers  or  Suppliers  tab. (Sort/Filter features work the same in the Invoices, Receipts and Purchase Orders tabs.)

The Sort/Filter option provides several choices:

Step 1.  You can  Sort by  Name, Location, Classification, Telephone, Balance

This will list your sort choice either in alphabetical (A to Z) or numerical (lowest to highest) order

Step 2. Filter by dropdown list

Depending on the  Sort by  choice you made above, you can click on the  Filter by  dropdown list and select an option from the list. Then click on  Close List .
For Example:

Step 3.  Depending on the  Sort by  choice, type in the first letter/s or numbers to quickly locate your option

For Example:

Step 4.  Expand your search by ticking the  Include inactive  (Customers or Suppliers) check box

Step 5.  Narrow your search by ticking the  Exclude  (Customers or Suppliers with)  $0 balances  check box. (This will remove all Customers or Suppliers who have a $0 balance.)

Step 6.  Narrow your search using the  Display Balances  option


Step 7.  Narrow your search using the   As at  a certain date option


Step 8.  In  Invoices  tab, you can select  Transaction Type  (i.e. Invoices or Credit Notes) and  Transaction Status  (i.e. <All> , Unpaid Invoices or Paid Invoices)

Article ID 1470