Delete Chart of Account Items.

Delete Chart of Account Items.

Delete Chart of Account Items

  1. Click on the Chart toolbar icon.
  2. Click on the account you wish to delete, so it highlighted blue.
  3. Click on the Delete button.

  1. Click Yes to confirm the deletion - this will only proceed if there is no existing transactions for the account to be deleted.

  1. If account is used in transactions, journals, invoices and/or budgets etc., you will get an error message:

  1. To find where the account has been used:
    1. Click on Reports > Lists > Used Accounts menu options.
    2. Select this year or last year.
    3. Click on the account to select.
    4. Click on the Print button.

  1. This reporting function prints a list of all instances where selected account (chart item) is in use within the current or previous year. This is useful if you wish to delete the account but the system will not allow this because it is in use somewhere within the file.
For example: