Delete Chart of Account Items

Delete Chart of Account Items

Below are two errors that may occur when deleting items from the Chart of Accounts:

The first error, FTC, means that the account trying to be deleted is set as the Fuel Tax Credit account in the BAS setup. Change this to a different account and then delete the account.
The second error, UCP, means that the account is in use as the Unapplied Payments Account in the Debtors Setup. As above change this to a different account and then delete the account.

To find where the account has been used:
  1. Click on Reports > Lists > Used Accounts menu option.
  2. Click on the account to highlight.
  3. Select Report Year, i.e. This Year or Last Year.
  4. Click on the Print button.
  5. This will provide a list of where the account code has been used.

Article ID 762