Delete or edit an enterprise.

Delete or edit an enterprise.

Delete or edit an Enterprise

Delete or edit an enterprise in Cashbook Platinum
Note:  This can only be performed if the Enterprise has no transactions entered for the current and previous financial years

Step 1. Select Names menu Option

Click on the  Setup  >  Enterprises  >  Names  menu option. 

Step 2. Delete an Enterprise

If you want to delete an enterprise, simply highlight the enterprise by clicking once on it, then click on the  Delete  button.

Step 3. Edit an Enterprise

If you want to change the details for an enterprise, simply highlight the enterprise by clicking once on it, then click on the  Edit  button, or just double-click on the required enterprise.

As a  more complicated example , if you had created a new company from a template containing default enterprises, you may have ended up with an enterprise list something like this:

Step 4. Editing an Enterprise to reflect just Cattle

If you wanted to just have one cattle enterprise and not divide it into breeding, stud and trading, you need to edit one of the cattle enterprises and modify it to reflect just cattle.

Click on the  OK  button

Step 5. Then, delete the remaining Cattle Enterprises

Click on the  Close  button.
Those accounts linked to the Enterprise you edited will automatically have changed to CATTLE .
You will have to add CATTLE to the remaining cattle accounts that no longer have a default Enterprise code


Click on the  Setup  >  Chart of Accounts  menu option

Cattle accounts only appear in the Income and Expenses section of the Chart of Accounts.

Step 7. Click on the Income tab

Scroll across until you get to the last column in the table,  Default Ent
This column tells you which accounts have default enterprises and what the enterprises are

Step 8. Highlight the account that is missing the CATTLE enterprise by clicking on it. eg. Bull Sales 040A

Click on the  Edit  button
From the drop down menu select CATTLE as the default enterprise

Step 9. Repeat this process with each Cattle account missing the CATTLE enterprise in both the Income and Expenses section of the Chart of Accounts

Article ID 803