Enterprise Class ID Required
Enterprise Class ID Required
Cashbook Platinum

The above error or similar will appear when entering a transaction and the account being used in the dissection requires an enterprise class ID to be assigned to it, due to a setting for the selected account in the chart of accounts - see below
If the correct account has been selected, either:
- assign an appropriate class ID to the dissection, OR
- update the details for the selected account so that a class ID is not required
To Assign a Class ID
Step 1: Add
Next to the enterprise column of the dissection click on the Plus (+) symbol

Step 2: Class
From the drop down list select one of the classes. If there are not any the user will need to set these up within the enterprises, via the:
- Setup
- Enterprises
- Names menu option

To Update the Details for the Selected Account so That a Class ID is Not Required
Step 1: Chart
- Click on the Chart toolbar icon

ii. Find the account code and double click on it
iii. Untick the box next to Requires enterprise class entry
Article ID 1153