Enterprise - linking by-products (e.g. wool to sheep)

Enterprise - linking by-products (e.g. wool to sheep)

Enterprise - Linking By-Products (e.g. Wool to Sheep)

Cashbook Platinum

Most agricultural enterprises have a by-product, i.e. a secondary product derived from the principal product. For example, wool is the most valuable by-product of sheep production. Cotton seed is a by-product of cotton production.

Cashbook allows the user to keep livestock or crop types (enterprises) and their respective by-products associated, as follows:

  • Click Setup
  • Enterprises
  • Names menu option


iv. Click on the required enterprise to highlight
v. Click Edit


vi. Tick the Also contains a fibre/dairy/semen/embryo component checkbox to associate fibre production/sales with a livestock type e.g. wool with sheep
There can  be up to 2 by-product accounts e.g. fibre/dairy/semen/embryo per enterprise
vii. Enter the relevant sale accounts into the Other 1 Sales Account e.g. 050F Wool Sales and Other 2 Sales Account field as required
viii. Click OK to save


Article ID 1694