ERROR HTTP/1.1 400

ERROR HTTP/1.1 400

When you have an issue with submitting to SuperStream as below:

This error prevents a Super payment from processing when there is an issue with Super Fund details.  Either the Fund has changed its name or it has merged with another company, which means the USI number and fund name have changed.
If the customer still has the old USI number and name of the Superfund in Cashbook for an employee, then this error will occur.

The below steps should be followed:

1. Check all employees who are currently with Sun Super and Q-Super fund.
2. Update their Superfund in Cashbook to Australian Retirement Trust.
3. Correct the USI number for the Fund.
Australian Retirement Trust Super Savings60905115063003

4. Call the employees to confirm their new Superfund membership number as that would also have changed.
5. Update their membership number in Cashbook.
6. Submit the Super payment again.