Exporting an advanced budget

Exporting an Advanced budget

Exporting an Advanced Budget

Cashbook Platinum

Step 1: Export

  • Click File
  • Data Transfer
  • Export menu option

Step 2: Export Data From Company...

In the Export data from company window:
  1. Click on the Advanced Budget Data tab
  2. Tick the check box next to the Budget wishing to export. eg. Sunshine Farm 2014 2015.
    Note that more than one budget can be ticked
  3. Click Browse

Step 3: Save

In the Select file to backup to... window:
  1. Click on the drive representing the portable device eg. E: Specify a folder on that device if desired
  2. The File Name will default to CBAdvBudget followed by the date and time and .zip file extension eg. CBAdvBudget 2015-08-05 14.17.53.zip. Change the name if desired, eg. Sunshine Farm 2014 2015.zip
  3. Click Save
iv. Click OK
v. Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Proceed with exporting the selected data to E:\CBAdvBudget 2015-08-05 14.17.53.zip?'
vi. Click OK to Information message: 'Export Complete'

Article ID CBP1262