Getting Started
Cashbook Platinum
The set up process for Cashbook Platinum is very important
This Quick Start Guide provides a step-by-step process to setting up Cashbook Platinum.
In order to complete the full set up, these instructions are broken down into multiple sections. We have included a final section, focusing on maintenance. While going through the process of setting up Cashbook Platinum, it is often helpful to focus on one outcome. We suggest that the focus be on building the balance sheet and its components.
Step 1: How to Install Cashbook Platinum
Step 2: Registration
To register the purchased copy of Cashbook Platinum after installation:
- Open the program by double-clicking on the Cashbook Platinum icon on the desktop
- Alternatively you can register your program by calling Practical Systems on 1800 624 688 and a staff member will generate an unlock code for you
Step 3: Getting Started
Cashbook Platinum installation is automatically set up with a Demonstration company. When first running the program, it will automatically go to the demonstration company records. This company is available for experimenting without fear of making mistakes. This allows you to make entries of your own, amend and delete items - all to help explore and understand the features of Cashbook Platinum before setting up your own company.
We strongly suggest that you use the Setup Wizard to assist in setting up your records. This is accessible via the Setup > Wizard menu option or when you create a new company via the File > Companies menu option.
As an alternative, the following is a suggested method of setting up your Cashbook Platinum accounting system using the various menu setup functions.
Step 3a: To Set Up Your Own Business
Here is a list of information needed to complete set-up. If you do not have all this information on hand, it can be entered via the set-up menus at a later date.
Opening bank statement balance for the start of the financial year (closing bank statement balance for the end of the previous year), or the balance from the time the program is being setup
A list of any outstanding payments or receipts as of the start of the financial year or at the time the program is being setup
A Balance Sheet - listing the opening balances for each Asset & Liability
Opening livestock numbers as of the start of the financial year or at the time the program is being setup for trading account setup
Decide what stock valuation method will be used, e.g. average cost method or market value. We recommend you speak to your accountant before choosing
Have an idea of the types of income and expense categories your require, so you can select the chart from the list that best suits you. You will be able to preview the charts before selecting when you add a new company via the Wizard. Whatever chart you select, it can always be customised to meet your exact needs later
Please note: If you are starting Cashbook Platinum part way through a financial year and do not intend to add data from the start of the financial year, you will require opening balances, etc. from the date for which you intend to start entering data.
Step 4: Setup - Adding a New Company
- Click File
- Companies menu option
Note: Setting up a default backup location for your data will make backing-up your data simple and consistent. We recommend a folder especially setup for backups. If you choose to back up to a memory stick or an external hard drive, ensure that the device is connected before clicking on the browse icon.
- Select the first date of the current financial/accounting year
- Click OK
Step 5: Setting up the Chart of Accounts
Step 6: Setting up Bank Accounts
To modify an existing bank account to reflect your own company bank account information:
- Click on bank account you wish to change
- Click Edit
- Fill in or change the required details
- Click OK
To Add a bank account:
- Click Add
- Fill in as many details as possible, same process as above
- Click OK to save
Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Would you like to set the opening balance for this bank now?', if you want to enter an opening balance now.
Note: You can also enter a bank account opening balance via the Setup > Opening Balances > Bank Accounts menu option.
In the Opening Balances window, click in the Opening Bank Statement Balance box and enter your opening balance
Click Add to enter any payments or receipts that were recorded in last financial years data ie. in the company's ledger but have not yet appeared on the bank statement
Click Close
Click Cancel/Exit
To Delete a bank account:
- Click on the bank account you wish to delete, so it is highlighted
- Click Delete
- Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Delete account B20 Savings Account?'
Note: You can only delete a bank account or any account if it does not have an opening balance or if it has had no transactions allocated to it.
Step 7: Setting up BAS details
- Click on the BAS icon on the toolbar
- Click on the Setup tab
- The following will be displayed. Check that all of these details are correct
Step 8: Setting up Opening Balances
- Click Setup
- Opening Balances
- Assets and Liabilities menu option
- Click Yes to the following Confirm message:
Step 9: Enterprise Setup
- Click Setup
- Enterprises
- Names menu option
- In this window Add, Edit, Delete or Print the list of enterprises
Step 10: Setting up Advanced Trading Accounts
- Click on Transactions
- Advanced Trading Accounts menu option
- Click Yes to the following Confirm message: