Import Bank Statement from a File
Import Bank Statement from a Bank File
This function is designed to save time in entering and reconciling bank account transactions
Step 1: Export Bank Statement
Before using the import function, export the bank statement/transaction file (in CSV format) from your bank for the relevant bank account/s and date ranges, and save it to a convenient location on your computer, USB, or memory card etc
A CSV is comma separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. CSVs looks like any spreadsheet but with a .csv extension. Most bank exports will allow you to select this format when exporting transactions. If you are unsure if you have the correct file, that will come to light as you go through the import process - the information displayed will not make sense if you have the wrong format.
Step 2: Import Bank Statement
- Click Transactions
- Import Bank Statement From File menu option
Step 3: Import Bank Statement Cont.
The Import Bank Statement window below will appear. Follow through each of the steps in that window:
- Step 1: Select bank ... Select the bank account you will be importing the bank statement/transactions file into
Step 2: Select date period ... If wanting to restrict incoming transactions to a specific date range, enter the dates, otherwise ensure Include all dates is ticked
Step 3: Select the file to import ... Select the bank statement/transaction file to import ie. the file downloaded from the bank
Step 4: Select the layout to use ... If this is the first time using the Import Bank Statement option, the default layout <Create New Layout> will be used, otherwise select one from the drop-down menu
Note: The layout tells Cashbook what type of information is contained in each of the incoming columns in the selected file

Step 4: Set/Check Import File Details Cont.
- If the <Create New Layout> layout option was selected, the information in the selected bank statement/transaction file will appear. Now tell Cashbook what is represented in each column
- Click Show Setup in the top right corner

This screen allows the order (column no.) of each data field in the file to be specified. In the Bank Statement Import Setup window match the import fields with column numbers
In the Bank Statement Import Setup window the imported bank statement file can be viewed at the bottom of the window in the File Preview ... section. At the top of each column there is a column number. e.g. 1-Date, 2-Debit/Credit, 3, ... Match these column numbers to the Column No. in the Field to import ... section above
For this example:
the dates of the transactions are located in the first column - tick Date box and set Column No. to 1. Click on the up or down arrow to select column number
the transaction amounts are located in the second column - tick Transaction Amounts box, click on the Combined debit/credit fields radio dial, set Column No. to 2, with Debit amounts are 'Negative amounts'.
For amounts, indicate if debits and credits are in the same column i.e. Combined debit/credit fields or in separate columns for debits and credits i.e. Separate fields
If Combined debit/credit fields ticked, select how Debit amounts are identified i.e. Negative amounts or Positive amounts
the descriptions of the transactions are located in the sixth column - tick Description box, set Column No. to 6
Note: If there are rows at the top or the bottom of the data that do not represent valid transactions, tick the Header rows are present and/or Footer rows are present and select how many rows should be ignored
Note: A default reference can be specified, for any transactions that do not have a specific reference
Click on Save Layout and name the layout
This layout can then be selected next time you import data for this selected bank. You should then be able to ignore Step 4

- Click OK to save
- Click Next to continue

Step 5: Finalise the Imported Bank Statement
Note: If this screen is blank, please go Back to Step 3 (Select date period ... ) and ensure the dates selected are correct or simply tick Include all dates
If the Customer/Supplier column is empty, either:

Add a Link between bank statement descriptions and a particular supplier/customer:
- This means for example, if you add a link 'TLS', any bank statement record whose description contains the text TLS (case sensitive) will automatically link to this supplier/customer Telstra Corporation Limited during the next bank statement import

Click on the Link button, this will take you to the Bank Statement Link tab/section in the Edit Customer/Supplier window for that particular customer or supplier
- Click Add Link
- The bank statement import description for this transaction will be displayed in this window
Select the portion of that text that will always be part of this recurring transaction. For this example we have a Telstra dividend deposit. TLS (ie. the ASX share code) is unique to this transaction
Type in TLS next to 'Match Text'

- Click OK to add text link
- Click OK to save
Note: Linking customers/suppliers to consistent portions of incoming transaction description will greatly reduce the time to process subsequent imports, as each customer/supplier can be assigned a default account and enterprise, which eliminates the need to enter any of this information as each transaction is processed
Note: If required, tick the 'Ignore' checkbox (right click) to force the system to not include this transaction in the finalisation process
Step 6: Process
When you are satisfied with the account allocation, click Process
Click Yes to the Confirm message: ' This routine will take you through all transaction not ticked as "Ignore" and allow you to match, ignore or add each one. Do you want to proceed?,
Each transaction will appear via the 'Add Transactions' window, in succession
If all details are correct and you have added a note if required, click OK to add that transaction to Cashbook and continue to the next one
Click Yes
to the Confirm message: 'Do you want to link "Telstra Corporation Limited" to "Telstra Corporation Limited" for future bank statement imports?'
Note: This message will not appear for those transactions that have not been linked to a listed Customer or Supplier
Matching Transactions:
- If an incoming bank statement transaction appears to match a transaction already entered into Cashbook, that transaction will automatically appear:

- Click Match With Selected Transaction if this is a match
- Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Reconcile selected transaction recording an amount of 800.00 for "John Brown"?'
- This will take you to the next transaction
- If not a match, click Don't Match and add the transaction the normal way
Find Matches:
If you believe there is a matching cashbook transaction for a bank statement transaction but it does not automatically appear, click on the Find Matches button located at the top right hand corner of the Add Transactions window
In the Existing transactions matching incoming record number ... window, go to the No. of days grace to show matches box and click on the up arrow to increase the number of days, until the matching transaction appears
Continue as above
Transfers between bank accounts:
For transactions that are transferred between your bank accounts, select Transfer to in the Add Transaction window, then in the To Bank box, select the correct bank from the drop down menu
Click OK to save
Step 7: Reconcile
When all transaction have been processed:
- Click Yes to Confirm message: 'Would you like to reconcile the imported statement?'
- This will take you to the reconciliation screen for that bank account
- Reconcile as normal
- Click here for link to: How do I reconcile a bank account?
Article ID CBP814