Matching a single bank feed transaction to one or more existing Cashbook transactions

Matching a single bank feed transaction to one or more existing Cashbook transactions.

Matching a Single Bank Feed Transaction to One or More Existing Cashbook Transactions

Cashbook Platinum

This relates to when the user pays more than one bill with a single transaction, or transfer money to numerous accounts at once. Cashbook allows the user to match this single payment with the numerous related cashbook transactions.

The user must enter all of the individual transactions related to the single multiple payment into Cashbook before trying to match them in the Bank Feeds Import screen.

 In the Bank Feeds Import screen i.e. Transaction > Bank Feeds menu option:

  • A list of all unprocessed imported transactions dated up to the Reconcile To date shows on the left-hand column
  • The right-hand column shows Cashbook's best attempt to match to an existing transaction, create a new one or determine that the transaction is a bank transfer These matches/transfers/creations will only take affect when the user clicks on the Record button
  • All existing unreconciled Cashbook transactions show in the right-hand column, with the left-hand column being empty
  • Note that each imported transaction will either show a green tick   meaning the transaction passes all new transaction checks or a red cross  meaning  the transaction checks are not passed


Step 1: Match the Left-hand Entry to One or More Existing Transactions

  1. On the right-hand column, click on the Match tab
  2. Click Find Matches


iii. Tick off all cashbook transactions that make up the total bill payment
iv. Click OK


The imported transaction will now have a green tick and the related cashbook transactions are no longer listed at the end of the list.


Article ID CBP1544