Network Installation - Platinum

Network Installation - Platinum

Pre-installation Notes

Step 1 - Installation

  1. Install Cashbook Platinum to your preferred location (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\PracSys\CBPlat) on the Server.
  2. Share this folder with all users who need access to Cashbook Platinum, with a minimum of Read/Execute permissions.

If you have an existing installation in C:\CBPlus, do not install Cashbook there without contacting Practical Systems.


Step 2 - Data Location

  1. If you want to move the data into another location (e.g. File server, NAS, etc), copy the following files/folders from the Install folder (in Step 1) into the new location. Note: Files/Folders in italics below might not exist, but should be copied to new location if they do:
    • ​Data
    • DefaultData
    • Documents
    • Cashbook.unl
    • Cashbook.naf
    • Databases.ini
  2. When sharing this folder, all users who need access to Cashbook Platinum will need full Read/Write/Create permissions. If you are using the Advantage Database Server:
    • This folder should not be shared to other users as a mapped drive. The path specified in Step 3 must be a UNC path.
    • Also share this folder with SYSTEM user, with full Read/Write permissions.
    • The data must be on the same hardware server as the Advantage Database Server.


Step 3 - Configuration

  1. Go to the install folder from Step 1 and open the Programs folder. Edit the CBPlus.ini file and modify the DatabaseLocation line to match the new location. This needs to be a UNC path (e.g. \\myserver\cashbook data), rather than a mapped drive (e.g. z:\cashbook data)
  2. If you have the Advantage Database Server installed on the server with the data (from Step 2), change DatabaseType to Type=2.

Example File

DatabaseLocation=\\myserver\cashbook data

Backups and local connection error

If backups are prevented by an error message related to local connections, try creating an ads.ini file in the Programs folder of the installation location and add the following content.
  1. [Settings]

Article ID 1427