One or more serious errors in BAS.

One or more serious errors in BAS.

One or more serious errors in BAS

What do I do if I get the following error message:

Click on the Yes button if you have already identified the issues and you still want to finalise the BAS. Otherwise, click on the No button and proceed as follows:
To locate errors, so you can fix them:
  • Click on the BAS toolbar icon (if not already there).
  • Click on the GST Reports tab.
  • Click on the Print Audit Trail Listing button.
  • Select the correct date range, banks, etc.
  • Click on the Print button.
This report provides a detailed report that shows all GST amounts for each transaction/dissection and highlight any that have a non-standard GST rate. Transactions are listed and totalled by the same categories that are used in the GST summary return.
Note: Transactions with a non-standard GST rate will be marked with a # symbol. Transactions for unregistered suppliers or entered as no GST in price, will be marked with a N. Transaction with manual GST override will be mark as M. These will appear down the right hand side of the report.
Others are shown at the bottom of the Audit Trail Listing report, see below:

Locate any offending transactions and fix them as required.

Article ID 1393