Payment Summary for an Employee not printing.
Payment Summary for an Employee not printing
When printing a Payment Summary for an employee the Report is empty
Case 1:
Tax scales between 74 to 100 are not eligible for a Payment Summary (PAYG). Tax scales above 60 must have an ABN associated with the employee before a Payment Summary (PAYG) can be produced.
To get around this you can Add a custom Tax Scale:
Step 1: Click on the following PS Knowledge Base link for Adding a Custom/New Tax Scale.
Please check with your accountant before adding new tax scales.
Step 2: Allocate the custom/new tax scale to the employee:
Click on the Payroll toolbar option
Click on the Employees tab
Click on the employee with the empty report to highlight in Blue
Click on the Select Employee button
Click on the Tax and Super tab
Click on the down arrow on the Tax Scale text box to select the new Tax Scale, e.g. 57 Flat 20% Rate
Click OK to save
Case 2:
If an employee salary sacrifices his/her entire wage/salary.
The sacrificed component of your total salary package is not counted as assessable income for tax purposes (i.e. it is not subject to pay as you go (PAYG) withholding tax), it effectively reduces your Gross Pay/Wage.
If you sacrifice your entire salary/wage, you effectively have no gross income.
Step 1. Add the Transaction to Payroll
You need to add a transaction to payroll, so the total gross wages/salary is not 0. (e.g. 0.01)
Click on the Payroll toolbar option
Click on the Employees tab
Click on the Employee who super salary sacrifices his/her total salary, to highlight
Click on the Select Employee button
Click on the Add Pay button
Add a pay for 0.01c
Click on the OK button to save
Click on the OK button to exit
For Example:
Step 2. Select Reports Tab
Click on the Pay Details radial dial
Select P - Salary Sacrifice from the Show: box
Select the Employee from the Employees: box
Show Details or Employee totals only - optional
Date Period Selection - is This financial year
Click on the Print button
Report looks like this:
Step 3. Either print this report or make a note of the total super salary sacrifice amount
Close out of this report
Click on the Employees tab
Click on the employee to highlight
Click on the Select Employee button
Click on the Tax and Super tab
Enter the total super salary sacrifice amount into the Reportable Employer Super Contributions Amount for Payment Summary box
Click OK to save
Payment Summary for this employee should look like this:
Article ID 758