Proxy Settings

Proxy Settings

Proxy Settings

The applications support Proxy settings, but must be added to an  INI  file named  Proxy.ini  in the application's directory

The default locations are:
  • Cashbook Connect: C:\Program Files (x86)\PracSys\CBPlus\Programs\Proxy.ini
  • Cashbook Platinum: C:\Program Files (x86)\PracSys\CBPlat\Programs\Proxy.ini
  • Stockbook: C:\Program Files (x86)\PracSys\Stockbook\Programs\Proxy.ini

The  Proxy.ini  file is not created as part of the installation, and will need to be added manually if required.
Copy the setup below and add your details into the file:
[PROXY] UseProxy= BasicAuthentication= PlainText_Username= PlainText_Password= Server= Port=
On first load, the  Plaintext_Username/Password  lines will be encrypted and cleared. Should you need to change the username or password, simply enter it to the  Plaintext_Username/Password.
Use Proxy: 1  for Yes,  0  for No
Basic Authentication: 1  for Yes,  0  for No
Server:  Proxy server address.
Port:  Proxy server port.
Username:  Encrypted username for the proxy server (auto-generated, do not set)
Password:  Encrypted password for the proxy server. (auto-generated, do not set) 
Plaintext_Username:  Username for the proxy server. (optional)
Plaintext_Password:  Password for the proxy server. (optional)

Article ID 2021