Regular (or Recurring) Transactions Setup.

Regular (or Recurring) Transactions Setup.

Regular (or Recurring) Transactions Setup 

Cashbook! provides a method of setting up regular transaction that can be processed automatically.

To setup a regular transaction/payment and be prompted to process this transaction, please complete the following:

Step 1. Click on the  Setup  Settings  menu option


Step 2. Select  the  Transactions  tab

  • Tick the box  Prompt to display Regular Transactions due when program starts
  • Click the  OK  button 

Step 3.  Click on the  Setup  >  Suppliers and Customers  menu option

Step 4. Choose Either,

  1. Click on a supplier to select and then click on the  Edit  button
  1. Click on the  Add  button

Step 5.  In the  Basic Details  tab fill in all the applicable information necessary for the transaction

For Example:  

Step 6.  Click on the  Schedule  tab

  1. Fill in the:
  1. Frequency  (i.e. weekly, monthly, etc)
  2. Next Due Date
  3. Number Remaining
  1. Click on the  OK  button
For Example:

Step 7. When you next open Cashbook and a payment is due

You will then be prompted by the following message
Click  Yes :
You will automatically be taken to the  Process Regular Transactions  window
  1. Ensure the correct bank is selected
  2. Tick the  Process  check box next to the transaction
  3. Click on the  Process  button
The transaction will automatically be added to Cashbook.
  • Click Yes to the Confirm message: ‘ Are you sure that you want to process the n selected transaction(s) to bank …?’
  • Click OK to the Information message: ‘Processing Complete’.

Note: This window can also be accessed by clicking on  Transactions  >  Process Regular Transactions  menu option.

  Step 8.  To check the transaction has worked and is correct:

  1. Click on the  Cashbook  toolbar option
  2. Select the appropriate  Bank Account
  3. Check that the transaction is in the list

Article ID 879