Reporting Groups

Reporting Groups

Reporting Groups

Cashbook Platinum

The 'Chart of Accounts' is a list of accounts that can be used to categorise income, expenses, assets, liabilities and owner's equity amounts. It tells Cashbook in which area of a financial statement, account data gets reported. 
  1. Each item in the chart of accounts can be attached to a particular Reporting Group for management reporting purposes. This enables the user to summarise reporting at various levels.
  2. Each Reporting Group is further organised and categorised into a particular Report Section. Cashbook has the following Report Sections: Income, Direct Costs, Overheads, Other Receipts, Other Payments, Assets, Liabilities and Equity. For example, all fixed costs could be attached to a section called 'Overheads'.
If a Cashbook Company Template is in use eg. Grazing, when the company was created in Cashbook, all the Chart of Accounts are automatically setup and linked correctly to Reporting Groups.

Make sure that each item in the Chart of Accounts is attached to the appropriate 'Reporting Group', especially when creating new accounts.
Note: 'Unallocated' group is automatically included and cannot be deleted - it's name may be changed.
Note: This option is not available in Level 1 of the program.
Inappropriate allocation and changes to reporting groups can have strange effects, like expenses appearing as income. We recommend only making changes in this are after consultation with Practical Systems staff.

 To Find the List of Reporting Groups

  • Click Setup
  • Reporting Groups
  • Names menu option

To Edit/View a Reporting Group in Order to See Where it is Being Reported

  • Click Edit
Article ID CBP1280