Restoring Data into Cashbook Platinum

Restoring Data

Restoring Data

There are two options when restoring data:
  1. restore from a saved backup file; or
  2. restore from a backup sent to the Data Warehouse.

Option 1: Restoring data from a backup file

Step 1: Select Company

  1. Click File
  2. Restore Data - either choose Individual Company, this is the most common, and will only work for an Individual Company backup, or All Companies/Years which will only work for an All Company backup. 
Due to the potential implications of loosing data, doing an All Companies/Years backup please contact Practical Systems if doing an All Companies/Years backup and have not been guided through it before.

Step 2: Load Data

i. For an Individual Company, click on Load Data button

ii. Find the saved backup in the window that opens. It will be a zip file. Once found, click on it and select Open, this will take you back to the Restore Data window in Cashbook

iii. See image below: It is required in Step 2 of the Restore Data window to select the Data Available to restore. 
Any data you restore will overwrite everything in the company/ies year/s you restore into

Note: If Restore Into Current Year is ticked, it is possible to save a previous financial year's data into the current year by mistake. 
For example if the Current Year is 2014, ticking the Restore Into Current Year box and only selecting the 2013 year data will make the 2013 year data become the current year and all 2014 data will be lost

iv.  Click Restore
If in any doubt, please call Practical Systems for assistance.

Option 2: Restoring from Data Warehouse

Step 1: Select Company

  1. Click File
  2. Restore Data - either choose Individual Company (most common) or All Companies/Years

Step 2: Load Data

i. Tick Load from Data Warehouse box
ii. Click Load Data

iii. Login to the Data Warehouse. This requires Client Code and password.
If this is the first time logging in, the password and user name is the Client ID.  There will be a prompt to change this after logging in. If the password has been forgotten, please contact Practical Systems to have it reset.

iv. Select the file to restore. The most recent will be at the top
v. Click OK
vi.  It is required in Step 2 of the Restore Data window to select the Data Available to restore. See image below
Any data you restore will overwrite everything in the company/s year/s you restore into
Note: If Restore Into Current Year is ticked, it is possible to save a previous financial year's data into the current year.
For example if the Current Year is 2014, ticking the Restore Into Current Year box and only selecting 2013 data will make the 2013 year data become the current year and all 2014 data will be lost

vii. Click Restore

If in any doubt, please call Practical Systems for assistance.

Article ID CBP713