SuperStream - Employee Tax and Superannuation

SuperStream - Employee Tax and Superannuation

How to add Tax and Super information for an employee in Payroll

  1. Click on the Payroll toolbar icon.
  2. Click on the Employees tab.
  3. Click on an employee to highlight.
  4. Click on the Select Employee button.
  5. Click on the Tax and Super tab.

To set up Tax and Superannuation follow these instructions:

  1. Click Don't print first name on Payment Summary if a company or other entity (other than an individual).
  2. Select a Tax Scale from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter any amount for extra tax per pay period. Enter as a negative number for tax rebate amounts.
  4. Tax File Number (TFN).
  5. ABN (Australian Business Number).
  6. FBT amount for Payment Summary, if applicable.
  7. Reportable Employer Super Contribution Amount for Payment Summary - leave blank except at the end of the financial/payroll year,
    when you wish to add the total salary sacrifice amount, so it will appear on this employee's Payment Summary.

Employer Super

  1. Fund Name - the name of the employee's superannuation fund.
    1. Click on the following link for SuperStream: How to add a superannuation fund to payroll.
    2. Note: Click on the following ATO link to download a Superannuation Standard Choice Form.
      This form collects all the information that employers will need when using SuperStream.
  2. Member No. - employee's superannuation fund member number
  3. Click OK or Next to record the changes (or click on one of the tabs for Details, Pay Rates, Leave Records, or Pays).

CSC Article 1816