Transaction Check.

Transaction Check.

PS Cashbook

Transaction Check


  • What is a transaction check? How do I run a Transaction Check?

Detailed Description

​A transaction check is a check against all of your transactions to see if there are any anomalies.

  • Click on the Utilities > Transaction Check menu option.


  • The Transaction Check window will appear.


If there is an issue:

  • Click on the OK button to any Information messages, for example 'You have transaction with no associated dissections, or the transaction amount does not equal the dissection total.
    Click on OK to view the list.'.
  • A screen will open with the transactions in question listed.
  • If you receive errors you will need to find the transactions listed, and fix up the transaction according to the error message.


If you require any assistance, please call Practical Systems.


If there are no issues:

  • Click OK to the Information message: 'Transaction Check Complete'.