Updating Tax Scales (1st of July each year)

Updating Tax Scales (1st of July each year)

PS Cashbook

Updating Tax Scales at the beginning of the financial year.


How do I update my Tax Scales for the current financial year in payroll?

Detailed Description

Updating the tax scales in Cashbook happens automatically.

If your tax scales are out of date, the next time you go into the payroll section of Cashbook, you will receive a message similar to that below.:


If you would like to update your tax scales from within the program then you can download them from the web by clicking on Payroll > Tax Scales > Download Tax Scales from Web


If you feel yours are out of date please check that you are on the most recent version of Cashbook by clicking on the Help > Check for Updates menu option.

If you are prompted to upgrade, you should follow the instructions to do that. Once Cashbook has been upgraded, check payroll again.