What if I don't have an employees' TFN?
What if I Don't Have an Employees' TFN?
If you are setting up an employee, but they do not have a Tax File Number you may be able to use one of these TFNs provided by the ATO:
111 111 111 for a new payee who has not made a TFN declaration and 28 days have not passed
333 333 333 for a payee under 18, earning less than $350 per week, $700 per fortnight or $1517 per month
444 444 444 for a payee who is an Australian Government pensioner payee
000 000 000 if your payee chose not to quote a TFN and has not claimed an exemption from quoting a TFN or does not fit into any of the above categories
Article ID 4375