Bulk Email of Payslips

Bulk Email of Payslips

Cashbook Standard / Connect
Cashbook Plus now allows you to send your all your payslips for each of your employees at the same time via a Bulk Email function. You can also email multiple payslips for an employee for a given period.

Step 1. Email Setup in Cashbook

  • Click on Help > Email menu options.
  • Your email address - enter your email address.
  • Your email host - this is the web or internet hosting service which rents out and operates your email server. Click on the following PS Knowledge Base link for the settings for common email providers: Email parameters for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Bigpond and others.
  • Using the above PS Knowledge Base link fill in the appropriate email settings.
For Example:


  • Click on the Send Test Email button.
  • Enter your Email Address: (Note: Your test email will be sent to this email address.)
  • Click OK to continue.

  • Click OK to Confirm message: 'Email Sent'. (Note: if you don't get this message, your email setup is not correct.)

Step 2. Email payslips for multiple employees for a specific period, simultaneously.

  • Click on the Payroll toolbar icon.
  • Click on the Reports tab.
  • Click on the Pay Slip radio dial.
  • Select Employees: <All> 
  • Select a date range in the Date Period Selector.
  • Click on the Email Payslips button.

Step 3. Check employees are requiring payslips

  • Check to make sure that all employees requiring payslips are listed have have a tick in the Include column.
  • Check that Date Period selected is correct.
  • Click on the Send Emails button.

  1.  Click OK to Information Message: 'Email successfully sent.'

Note: You can send multiple payslips for one employee for a selected period.

For Example:

Article ID 4210